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About EFF Fonts



Who are EFF?

The Electronic Font Foundry was established in 1984 as a company developing fonts and new font technologies. We developed our own font format which was later abandoned in favour of PostScript. Later we have concentrated on production of high quality foreign and specialist fonts. At the moment our font library counts over 1,300 typefaces, which support over 60 languages, including some very unusual ones. We continue to develop new software all the time and have some exciting plans for new products to be released in the next couple of years.

We are, and always have been, dedicated to supplying only highest quality products. All our fonts meet the professional standards of both traditional typographic craftsmanship and today’s modern technology.

We supply fonts for three major platforms: Acorn computers running Risc OS, PC’s running Windows and Apple running Mac OS. We also provide additional font services - we can make a custom font to your specification as a special order, supply you with font site licence, or licence for distributing our fonts with your own software.

If you cannot find what you need among the products available please contact us; we may be able to obtain it for you from somewhere else or make it as a special order.


Screen Font Test

Text you are reading now is displayed using a font from your computer. The sample in the frame was taken from a screen of our computer, using our fonts. Since we do not know the set-up on your computer, the samples are at 8, 10 and 12 points both in serif (EFF NewTimes) and sans serif (EFF NewSwiss) fonts. Check which point size your browser is using and compare the appropriate samples.


EFF fonts are fully hand-hinted so they reproduce perfectly at all sizes and on all kinds of media, they contain full kerning information and full character sets.

Compare the above sentence with our sample below:

Font test 

Do your existing screen fonts match EFF quality?

Please note that the way the fonts are displayed on screen depends also on the computer and monitor used. Our sample was taken from Acorn Risc PC600 with AKF85 monitor.  

If you have any comments or enquiries please contact us:

The Electronic Font Foundry, 11 Silwood Road, Ascot, Berkshire, SL5 0PY, UK
telephone +44 (0)1344 875 201, fax +44 (0)1344 875 202, e-mail fonts@eff.co.uk
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